2022-23 Roster

Hometown/High School Major
Diego Castellot full bio Diego Castellot Cl.: Fr. Hometown/High School: Marathon / Marathon Major: Liberal Arts and Sciences: Math/Science
Harrison Conn full bio Harrison Conn Cl.: Fr. Hometown/High School: Marlboro / Marlboro Major: Construction and Environmental Technology
Zachary Jacobson full bio Zachary Jacobson Cl.: Fr. Hometown/High School: East Amherst / Williamsville East Major: Biology
Patrick O'Neill full bio Patrick O'Neill Cl.: Fr. Hometown/High School: Dryden / Dryden Major: Business Administration
Stanley Trevits full bio Stanley Trevits Cl.: Fr. Hometown/High School: Dryden / Dryden Major: Liberal Arts and Sciences: General Studies
Kannon VanDuzer full bio Kannon VanDuzer Cl.: Fr. Hometown/High School: Sayre, Penn. / Sayre Area Major: Sport Management